Wednesday 11 July 2012

Wind Farms in Ontario

It seems that the hot topic of today in the media is wind farms, and specifically the need for them to be less of them…and by less I mean none. Tuesday Health Canada and Stats Canada announced that they were going to go through with a study of the effects of wind turbines on people.

This doesn’t come as a surprise to me, people have been whining and complaining louder than the so-called noise these turbines make. People are complaining about feeling sick, dizzy and suffering other health-related issues directly linked to the wind turbines- so they think.

Right now, Conservative MPP Fedeli is calling for a moratorium on wind development until the results of the study. His reasoning is that there is obviously a reason for the study therefore they are dangerous. Pushing aside the bandwagoning, of course they’re going to do a study about wind turbines! People have been fighting them since they were installed, stating health concerns, regardless if they turn out to be completely fine you can’t have a large chunk of the population saying they’re getting ill from these things and not release a study.

This study is created to quell this deep rooted fear that something that’s good for the environment is bad for your health. From what’s been shown through the media (I am aware that there is more on this story- so please feel free to forward any additional expert talk from both sides of this argument on), that the majority of people opposing it have no background in healthcare or environmental issues affecting healthcare. Look at Fedeli, he has extensive experience in his field; which is not healthcare-based. Coming out as a spokesperson makes you appear as an expert which is why I don’t agree with someone with no healthcare background stepping into the limelight demanding action based on a study.

I think that before you can really start to point fingers at health-related issues you need to look at all the factors affecting the individual. This isn’t food poisoning where everyone ate at the same place; this is a dispersed group of individuals leaving near or around wind turbines. The study needs to take into account the individual lives of these people and look for what’s hypersensitivity to LFN and what’s other external factors.

All information taken from the Belleville Intelligencer article:
Stop wind turbines: Fedeli  by Intelligencer Staff.

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