Thursday 19 July 2012

Rob Ford: Using immigration laws to get gang members out of TO

I…I actually don’t have a good witty remark for this opening statement because Rob Ford is just that much of an idiot. Piggy-backing on my earlier post about gun-violence; Rob has developed a strategy to curb gun violence and gang violence in Toronto; use immigration laws to kick gang members out.

I really really hope that this man is not as dumb as he sounds because what person in the politics in their right mind, in a city as culturally diverse as Toronto, says that the best way to curb gang violence is with immigration laws! No one! Almost all of these shootings have happened in low-income, community-housing areas of Toronto and what does Rob Ford do; says he wants to do something about the gangs by getting rid of the immigrants!

Are you out of your cotton-picking head!? Of course Ford then refused to elaborate on anything in typical Rob Ford fashion, allowing everyone time to go; wait..what? No doubt more people will start speaking up about this soon!

Rob was the only council member to vote against $16 million community grant last week saying social spending doesn’t actually do anything to solve youth violence - HA! Ford aptly named these social programs directed towards at-risk youth “hug-a-thug” programs and stated that have done nothing to help. If I’m interpreting this properly no wonder they don’t, we just need to deport them, because obviously gangs are perpetuated by immigrants.   *FACE PALM*.

According to the TO Star article, Ford’s actually wrong, homicides were at their highest in TO in 2007, and after these “hug-a-thug” programs came into effect there has been a steady decline of homicides in relation to increase in grants given. Obviously these facts are ignoring immigration laws.

This is a huge reason Rob Ford burns me so much, he doesn’t show up to Pride when the CANADIAN MILITARY makes an appearance, votes down almost every social program and then decides that immigration laws make the most sense for gang issues.

Yes, I assume that there is some level of gang activity in at least one of these deaths, statistically it’s probably but the issue is gun violence NOT gang violence. They can be at times tandem but they are not totally exclusive! This idiot of a mayor is the exact reason that people will not be able to feel safe in this city because the tool at the wheel thinks it’s a better idea to throw money into a weight-loss gimmick and ignore obvious problems.

Goodbye Rob Ford, where can we send you away to?

Information taken from the article Mayor Rob Ford wants Ottawa to use immigration laws against convicted gang members by Daniel Dale

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