Monday 22 October 2012

The rotten, no good, stinking awful bad day.

I am not someone who uses their blog just to complain about their life or the bad things that happen to them, unless you already think I do that…and in that case prepare to not be disappointed!

I was trying to find an eloquent way of phrasing this, someway that would make me look witty and funny and light-hearted, but honestly it’s just one of those days where I just can’t. Today just blows. That’s it – simple as that, today sucks [insert animal of choice’s scrotum here].

It started at the very moment 11:59pm, October 21st became 12:00am, October 22nd. My fantastic neighbour decided to blast salsa music loud enough to shake my walls while I tried to para barail la bamba my way to sleep. This resulted in two phone calls to the police complaining about the noise, each punctuated by the guinea pigs wheeking up a storm in some convoluted reasoning that I was up, therefore it was breakfast. It was not breakfast. It was 12:30am.

It felt as though I had just fallen asleep when the cat thought he’d seen a haphazard plan for me to leave him, because he glued himself to my chest in a way that would have made liquid cement jealous. After trying to pry him away which just succeeded in reinforcing his thoughts on being abandoned, I gave up with him clinging to me for dear life and fell asleep with the cat strapped to my chest. If he wasn’t so damn cute he’d have gone out the window.

At 6-deargodthat’searly-something my alarm screeched to life, waking me up in a way that made me feel like I’d downed a couple bottles of wine the night before. I hadn’t, I’m pretty sure I looked it though, because for the first time since I got him the cat just waited politely on the bed for his food. I got out the door and blasted music just as the streetcar blew past me, four minutes early and kept going even though I ran for it realizing halfway there I left my coffee in my apartment, where it’s sitting right now most likely feeding the perpetual fruit flies.

At this point, I’m so incredibly frustrated with my program and just the future I can just feel my blood pressure skyrocketing. I know a lot of people can empathize with feeling, but I’m trying to find a job in Toronto. I’ve applied to over 30 jobs and followed up with many of them to see where I can “improve” and this has ended in me having them tell me I’m over-qualified for a position. I’m over-qualified. I want to be a bloody cashier! “Why don’t you apply for public relations jobs – you have a lot of experience!” That would be great if I was actually qualified for any of those jobs. It’s like I’m stuck in some trying-to-find-a-job-hell’s version of limbo and I can’t get out. Do I make myself look less employable to get a job? Is that really what I’m going to have to do?

I’ve just arranged a meeting with my parents because as it stands now, I’m looking to move back home and try to find something to do in terms of work. Is this where I wanted to be at 21? Living at home with my parents? It’s starting to look like adult Kaileigh grabbed a ticket on a greyhound headed out of Toronto and left me here with bills and responsibilities and like 40 copies of my resume.

I would say it’s only going to look up, but I have to take the TTC home tonight and relying to the TTC to cheer you up is like giving a monkey a loaded hand gun and saying don’t shoot. ThisdayisalmostoverThisdayisalmostoverThisdayisalmostover.

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