Thursday 4 April 2013

Oh shit...does this mean I'm an adult?

I found myself having a bit of an identity crisis this morning when it finally hit me - I don't have anymore classes for my program. I'm, in most ways, done my program. Shit.

Appropriate picture is appropriate
Copyright Allie Brosh 2009-2011
I think my biggest source of discomfort comes from the fact that I will no longer be identified as a student. I mean I always joke that getting my degree and diploma is the last thing I need to make me a real person (not that you need either of those to be a real person) but what in sam-hell is going to be my identifier? I've literally been a student for the past 16 years straight of my life. It seems so weird that by the end of the summer that encyclopedia sized chapter of my life is closing.
I wish I knew how to quit you...
Copyright Shutterstock
I mean, it's not like for the past year I haven't done anything with my life except be a student, I do work full time in my field and I have all the bills and responsibilities of an adult. It's not going to be a sudden change from STUDENT to REAL LIFE ADULT MOTHATRUCKAH! It still just seems weird that for the first time in 16 years (and I mean prior to that I was about four years old, titles weren't a priority) I will not be a student. 

Despite all the moaning about it I really do have very few intentions on going back, at least for a year or two. I mean - I will have a practical degree and diploma to apply for jobs with in a specific career. I can say with all honesty both myself and my student loan are pleased as punch that tuition payments and book fees are no longer on our horizon. 

How it actually looks to realize you don't have to fork out thousands of dollars twice a year
Copyright Allie Brosh 2009-2011
Finishing post-secondary is such a bittersweet feeling, I'm starting to realize. I mean, being a student is fun! For some reason I've got this idea in my head that being a "real adult" means that I have to wear a pantsuit all the time and never smile. I'm starting to realize that very little is going to change, okay I may have to purchase a pantsuit...but that's really it.

I don't have a solid life plan - I mean if you look at all of the things I've been looking into it resembles a squirrel that drank a lot of Red Bull and tried to accomplish something. I keep trying to remind myself - you're still young, you really don't have to start panicking quite yet (please refer me to this post on my birthday), you have time. Really my list of goals kind of ended with "Get degree/diploma" - so I suppose that's the next thing to tackle. What do I want? What's my next BIG goal? Also, what do I want for lunch today...

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